Monday, December 10, 2007

Disco Ball Tree & Seattle

Spotted near the Seattle Art Museum (SAM), dining at the Wild Orchid Restaurant, then gazing at the Disco Ball Holiday Tree at the Hotel Monaco, were these fabulous stars (Kimberly King and Chris Allen) and Disco Ball Holiday Tree Ornaments. A few of the ornament pictures are here below. I found myself looking for John Travolta in a white suit! Pictures from this Motorola Q - no doubt a reason to update to a new cell phone sooner rather than later :) No, the blog from phone thing isn't happening yet, Carey, but I have tried!

The Tour of Trees Passport annual event is not to be missed. Certainly worth a 2 minute stop in the lobby of the Hotel Monaco, especially during the wine tasting from 5 to 6pm in the evening.
The disco ball spins and calls for a rendition of Disco Inferno as you gaze at the tree!

Last sighting, since Obama is in Seattle tomorrow, was the person driving this car making a statement about Mitt? Was the person thinking he/she is the only one in Washington ever to go to MIT? or what?


Carey Anthony said...

Burn baby burn! Disco inferno!
Kimberly looks fabulous, but where are you??
Yes, it's DEFINITELY time for a new camera (why not ask Santa??) You should just get a wi-fi camera anyway ;-)

Carey Anthony said...

P.S. can you turn off the word verification in your comments? It's annoying. LOL :-)

Pam said...

OK, I think I am commenting to a comment! Carey, I turned off that word verification to the best of my ability and knowledge which is so limited :)

Carey Anthony said...

I think you just turned off the word verification for this post only! :-x