Friday, February 1, 2008

COS ORD IND - America The Beautiful

"Gee, isn't it great to travel? Do you love it? I bet you get to see exciting places all the time! What's your favorite city?" Obvious phrases heard from those who don't travel...

This week I started in Colorado Springs and Pueblo, CO. Yes I flew a short hike. The segwhore didn't decide I needed more segments, it was a matter of how much a cab was or a one way car rental to Colorado Springs - simply shocking! The Antlers Hilton is a historic hotel in Colorado Springs. Katherine Lee Bates was inspired to write America The Beautiful in this location.

Katharine Lee Bates, an English professor from the eastern U.S., visited the top of Pikes Peak. She stayed at The Antlers afterward, and wrote "America The Beautiful". "Oh purple mountains majesty above the fruited plains" refers to the Rocky Mountains of the Pikes Peak region, and at the time, irrigation was supporting orchards and agriculture in Colorado's arid plains to the east

After this historic moment in my travels, I moved on to the true plains and ultimate midwest - a travelers dream (O'Hare in a snowstorm and Indy in the second snow storm, all in one week). Yes, it's great to travel! You can see all sorts of things landing at night after a lengthy delay in a snowstorm, traveling by Van Taxi 1.5 hours in a blinding snow storm :)

Continuing with my Van Biatch theme, I was fortunate enough to get 3 different Van Taxis this week (one in Colorado Springs, one in Chicago, and one in Indy). Since things run in threes, I'm sure I'm back to normal taxis next week - stay tuned :)

Hopefully the upcoming week will provide more exciting material for the blog :)


Carey Anthony said...

Sung to the tune of Bates' classic:

"Oh where was she,
Just yesterday?
I do not really know.
From flight to flight and cab to cab,
The seg-whore she did go.

America, America,
Pam travels all throughout.
And shines her good
With sisterhood
1K I hardly doubt!"

Kimberly said...

To explain the seemingly unendless wealth of Taxi cabs I propose Karma...payback for being a Cab Biatch is of course taxi cab after taxi cab. The universe will correct itself and all will be back to right some day soon I expect.

As for glamour travel locals - I just booked Grand Cayman - with an extra two nights over the weekend just in case my flights get delayed, etc. I wouldn't want to miss the meeting now would I? :)

Since the Marriott beach front hotel is where Steve picked I guess I'll just have to stay there and do some extra beach strolling in my free time - oh darn!

Travel doesn't always suck!

Pam said...

When in Grand Cayman, it's a must to be early due to Island Time. There is a nice little local coffee shop within a few safe blocks wander from the Marriott I came to like in my brief time there. Café del Sol (internet available)
Gourmet Coffee, sandwiches, cakes, smoothies. Internet access.
Located at "The Marquee" next to the Cinema.
Tel: 345-946-2233

Do note there is a Westin and Ritz just a nice stroll down the beach from the Marriott :)