Friday, February 29, 2008

Artwalk & Carlos Santana sighting PVR

Puerto Vallarta has become internationally recognized for it's restaurants and art. One evening I did the artwalk which includes over 40 galleries in the Centro District. There is also a festival of music and wine this week of the Bahia of Banderes. Some interesting tidbits included a menu item of fried crunchy grasshoppers, an Appetizer Special at El Arrayan, an old home built into a restaurant., Following are a couple pictures of Sergio Bustamante statues and galleries, and some art from the Malecon boardwalk.

The yacht in the background is the boat that Carlos Santana was hanging out on, complete with helicopter. I saw him playing in a Cuban Bar in downtown Puerto Vallarta by chance one evening. It was written in the local paper he would do stand up with the locals and I was lucky enough to be stalking him to figure this out :)


Carey Anthony said...

Look at you Miss Artsy Fartsy! Love the pics! Where's Carlos??

Carey Anthony said...

Where in the world is Pam?