Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Austin, Lance and the Cab Biatch

I was thoroughly excited about going to Austin, TX this week as I have not been to Austin. I was traveling with Laura, new to Harland and Chris, used to Harland ;) Laura waited for me at the airport and we shared a cab to downtown Austin, TX. I must admit I immediately became a "cab biatch" as I just could NOT face the 3 vans in line and wanted a "real car with 4 doors". I forced Laura into conversation to "stall" to avoid getting in the Van Cabs til the "real cab" was in line coordinated with our position - delay about 10 minutes :)There is just something about a van cab when you are not in the mood - keep in mind I'm still working myself into the travel year. Well, what goes around, comes around time and time again :)

Our cabbie named Larry (or something) was so full of knowledge about Austin, TX that neither Laura or I could get in a word edgewise. When we tried, and made a comment to one another, Larry brought up yet another interesting and encyclopedia-like fact about Austin. Larry had so many facts and knowledge about Austin that he actually took the extremely LONG route to the hotel from the airport (so I found out the following day on the return trip). I don't remember him taking a breath to be honest. Go Larry. Double your knowledge, double your cab fare in Austin :)

When I did walk around Austin in the daylight for an hour between webex and lunch meeting, I heard I completely missed Lance Armstrong by seconds at every corner and every bike path - darn! I wandered around, found two Starbucks, one fire station with cute firemen and a few old renovated buildings and alot of real estate construction with even the W Hotel being built not too far from the Four Seasons in little old Austin, TX. The most unusual observation in my extensive tour was the number of street people hanging out - the weather isn't' too bad even when it's cold (52 degrees and foggy drizzle) and business travelers to support the population :)

So, the morale of the story is - take the first cab and don't be a cab biatch :)


Carey Anthony said...

Austin rocks!
Make sure to check out the local music scene.
Tell Lingafelter hi for me.
And, FYI, you can't blog about Lance Armstrong and not deliver! You must stake out the right corner and wait! In the meantime, we want pictures of the cute firemen and the renovated buildings.
I'll be up waiting...

Laura said...

Most people don't realize the truly amazing part of your Austin blog was that Larry the Cabbie could actually out talk us!!! When was the last time we weren't able to get a word in edgewise???

Your fellow cab biatch