Sunday, June 15, 2008

SEA NSY PUB & Fonts on eBay

The past week started with a trip to Seattle and a drive from SeaTac to Port Orchard, WA. Due to the horrible weather (wind, rain, wind, rain), it was difficult to get great pictures other than the horizontal rain along the way. Dean, Eric (picture included) and I dined at a restaurant with a lovely view of the harbor before our presentation. The restaurant overlooked Puget Sound, Kitsap Harbor and the Ship-Submarine Recycling Program . Spent nuclear fuel is shipped by rail to the Naval Reactor Facility in the Idaho National Engineering and Environmental Laboratory (INEEL), where it is stored. The fuel is not reprocessed.

The coincidental item to be noted is I was just in Arco, ID and passed by INEEL last week, Friday, June 6 (see previous blog). Now I know what really does go into the Atomic Burgers in Arco and where it comes from! (Just another good reason not to eat meat :)

After a day trip to Seattle, I ended the day in Portland, OR and headed out to Pueblo, CO the following evening via Denver. PUB is the airport code in Pueblo, CO which flies planes close in size to bush planes (Great Lakes Aviation), thus driving is highly recommended from Denver to Pueblo. In Pueblo at the bank, a staff member showed us a bit of nostalgia. She brought out her original CFI LaserPro documentation manual. As one might imagine, we started talking about eBay and wondering how much this vintage piece might go for, or what we could sell it for and how big of a vacation we could take if it sold!
My search on eBay discovered one vintage item, still available for sale! Let the bidding begin!


Kimberly said...

If old CFI/LP stuff has value on eBay I know a few sources! I'll be watching that auction closely - this could be my ticket to the ever coveted "one-year-self-funded sabbatical"

Carey Anthony said...

I still have a few of those font cartridges, and i know Doug Arnold has a set of those original manuals. (I have them immortalized in a PowerPoint presentation!)
This was an awesome post!!
Next time, for pictures of the manual, use the macro setting on your camera! :-)