Sunday, March 16, 2008

St Patty's Day - Golden, CO Style!

Don and Judy Bruns (center/right) came to visit Don's brother, Keith(left), in the Denver metro area for a few days. I was fortunate enough to be able to see them a couple times during their busy stay in Colorado! Don, Judy and Keith made tracks on the snow cat tour in Winter Park, CO, visited Pike's Peak, hit the Irish Jackpot in Black Hawk, and stopped off in Golden, CO home of Coors Brewery, visited Boulder, CO and shopped til they dropped at Flatirons Mall.

I met up with Don, Judy and Keith at Bonefish Grill Friday night. Bonefish is part of parent company OSI who also owns Cheeseburger in Paradise coincidentally. (Judy is a card carrying member to be sure) No wonder we liked it alot, great fish and great service.
On Saturday, instead of attending the St. Pat's parade in Denver where we would blend right into the festivities, we made our own parade in Golden, CO. We started the day with a tour of the Coors Brewery, complete with samplings of a wide variety of beverages at the end (and all before 12:30pm - but it certainly had to be "five o'clock somewhere".
Remember when you couldn't buy Coors "east of the Mississippi" and people packed it in trunks to bring to you? How about that Ford/Dole bumper sticker on the going to New Jersey :)

After the brewery tour, it was time to head for pizza and a look at Golden, CO. No doubt about it, if we had extra hats to sell for all the comments we received about our little parade group, we could have made a fortune as Judy pointed out! I had to leave Don, Judy and Keith so they could find their Pot O' Gold in Black Hawk!

1 comment:

Carey Anthony said...

I want that picture of you in the hat in the field for my wallpaper!! :)